Friday, February 5, 2010

I'll Never Stopped.

G: Your new girlfriend is pretty. (I bet she stole your heart.)
B: Yeah. She is. (but you're still the most beautiful girl I know)
G: I heard she's funny an amazing. (all the stuff I wasn't)
B: Sure she is. (but she's nothing compared to you)
G: I bet you know everything about her by now. (like how you knew just everything about me)
B: Only the stuff that count. (I can't remember what she says when I'm think of you)
G: Well I hope you guys last. (because we never did)
B: I hope we do , too. (what happened to me and you?)
G: Well, I have to go. (before I start to cry)
B: Yeah me too.
(I hope you don't cry)
G: Bye. (I still love you)
B: Later. (I'll never stopped)